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Long Beach Maritime and Admiralty Attorney

The coastal city of Long Beach, California is a popular destination for boating, fishing and recreational water activities. It is also home to the Port of Long Beach – the second busiest port in the United States – and multiple cruise lines. 

If you or someone you love gets injured in an accident off the coast of Long Beach, the attorneys at Rose, Klein & Marias LLP can help you navigate what could be a complicated personal injury case. Offshore injury claims involve complex maritime and admiralty laws. 

To start your case with a free consultation, contact our law firm at (800) 362-7427 anytime. We will do what it takes to get the case results you need.

Why Choose the Attorneys at Rose, Klein & Marias?

  • Our personal injury attorneys in Los Angeles have been representing injured victims in Southern California since 1936. We understand the ins and outs of maritime accident claims.
  • Our injury lawyers know how to get real results. We have achieved outstanding case outcomes for our clients, with over $5 billion recovered in settlements and verdicts.
  • We operate on a contingency fee basis, which means you won’t be charged a penny for our services during your maritime and admiralty claim unless we win.

Why Hire an Attorney for a Maritime or Admiralty Injury Case in Long Beach?

Maritime cases are governed by complex federal laws and doctrines that are unique from standard personal injury claims. For this reason, it can be critical to work with an experienced maritime and admiralty attorney in Long Beach during your injury claim. An attorney will use his or her expertise in maritime law to improve the outcome of your case.

From unique legal concepts to strict filing deadlines, your lawyer can navigate maritime laws to protect your right to fair financial compensation. Your attorney can take over negotiations with an insurance provider to protect you from insurer tactics and maximize your settlement. If necessary, your lawyer can represent you in federal or state court for the results you deserve.

Compensation Available for Maritime and Admiralty Cases in Long Beach

A successful claim following a maritime or admiralty accident in Long Beach could entitle you to various types of financial compensation, also known as damages, including: 

  • Past and future medical costs
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost income and capacity to earn
  • Long-term or permanent disability
  • Emotional injuries
  • Loss of consortium
  • Property damage
  • Out-of-pocket costs
  • Wrongful death damages
  • Punitive damages

The types and amounts of compensation available will depend on your situation, such as whether you were working at the time, the severity of your injuries and the applicable laws. An experienced workers compensation lawyer in Los Angeles can help file a claim to seek compensation in cases in which maritime workers were injured on the job.

How Are Long Beach Maritime or Admiralty Accidents Handled Legally? 

Accidents, injuries and deaths that occur on the water are handled by a different set of laws than those that happen on land. Your case in Long Beach may involve special maritime or admiralty laws, such as:

  • The Jones Act: a federal law that protects injured workers at sea by allowing them to file personal injury claims against their employers for negligence.
  • Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act: fills in gaps left by other laws to ensure coverage for maritime workers that are not offshore, such as dock and shipyard workers.
  • Death on the High Seas Act: a law that provides financial compensation to the families of those who are killed on international waters.

These laws are in addition to California’s standard personal injury laws, including the Workers’ Compensation Act. You can navigate all of the laws pertaining to your case more effectively with assistance from an attorney.

get legal help from a maritime attorney in long beach

What Is a Maritime or Admiralty Accident?

A maritime or admiralty accident in Long Beach refers to a harmful incident that occurs offshore, in the sea or on navigable waters. It also describes accidents in areas closely related to maritime activities, such as the Port of Long Beach, the Queen Mary, local piers and docks, and shipyards.

Examples of maritime accidents include:

  • Boating accidents or collisions
  • Shipyard and dock accidents
  • Offshore oil rig or platform accidents
  • Onboard seamen accidents and injuries
  • Cruise ship accidents
  • Trucking and cargo accidents in the port
  • Equipment and machinery failures
  • Recreational water activity accidents

Maritime accidents are often caused by factors related to human error. Companies, workers and individuals may make mistakes that enhance the risk of injuries and deaths. In these situations, injured victims have the right to pursue financial compensation for their losses.

Common Injuries From Maritime Accidents in Long Beach 

Injuries that occur on docks, boats and offshore can be serious due to the hazardous nature of working around water, unpredictable environments and heavy equipment. These accidents can cause a wide range of injuries, such as:

At Rose, Klein & Marias LLP, our personal injury law firm is equipped to handle maritime and admiralty accident cases involving all types of injuries, as well as fatal incidents. We are here for you in your time of need.

How Long Do I Have to File a Maritime Injury Claim in Long Beach? 

It is critical to act quickly if you wish to pursue justice and financial compensation for a maritime accident in Long Beach. These cases must comply with specific statutes of limitations, or legal deadlines for filing. If you wait too long and miss your window, you will most likely lose the right to file a claim. 

Your time limit will depend on the specific laws that govern your case. If you are an injured seaman filing a claim under the Jones Act, you are given three years from the date of the injury to file. The Death on the High Seas Act also gives you three years from the date of your loved one’s death to pursue a claim.

A typical California personal injury claim must be filed within two years under Code of Civil Procedure § 335.1. If you are filing a claim under the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act or you are injured as a cruise passenger, you will generally have just one year to take legal action.

Request a Free Consultation With a Long Beach Maritime and Admiralty Attorney 

Unfortunately, the nature and location of Long Beach make maritime accidents and injuries inevitable. If you find yourself involved in a serious accident in, on or near the water, contact the experienced Los Angeles maritime and admiralty attorneys at Rose, Klein & Marias LLP for legal representation you can trust. 

Our lawyers will assist you with every step of the claims process to help you make a full physical, emotional and financial recovery. To learn more about your case, contact us to schedule a free consultation. Call (800) 362-7427 today.