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Ventura Product Liability Lawyer  

As a consumer, your safety rests in the hands of companies that manufacture goods and products for public distribution. Unfortunately, many products with defects enter the market and cause significant injuries, property damage and death. If you or a loved one has been injured due to an unsafe or defective product, contact the Ventura product liability lawyers at Rose, Klein & Marias, LLP for a free case evaluation. Our attorneys can help you hold a company responsible for harm caused by a defective product.

Why Choose Rose, Klein, & Marias, LLP for Your Defective Product Case

  • We understand California’s product liability laws and how to navigate them on behalf of our clients. Our personal injury attorneys in Ventura have been serving injured victims in California since 1936.
  • We have powerful resources, tools and staff. Our attorneys are not afraid to go up against major defendants, including manufacturing companies and large corporations.
  • Our personal injury lawyers have collectively recovered more than $5 billion in settlements and verdicts for clients since our law firm was established.
  • Our law firm takes Ventura product liability cases on a contingency fee basis. This means you will pay us $0 for our legal services unless we win your case.

How Do I Know if I Have a Product Liability Case?

A product liability case is a civil action that can be brought by an injured consumer for damages caused by a product that is unreasonably dangerous due to a defect. It is a civil claim filed to hold one or more parties liable (legally and financially responsible) for a consumer injury or death.

You may have grounds to file a product liability case in Ventura if a product injured you and contained one of the following types of defects:

  • Design flaw: a safety issue caused by how the product was designed.
  • Manufacturing defect: problems during the product’s manufacture that lead to an unsafe defect.
  • Marketing mistake: hazards caused by misleading advertisements or a missing warning label.

To find out if you have a product liability case, document your injuries and the product’s defects. Keep your purchase receipts, the product, its packaging and your medical records. Then, take this information to a product liability lawyer at Rose, Klein & Marias, LLP for a free case review. We can answer your legal questions and determine whether you have grounds to file an injury claim.

How a Ventura Product Liability Lawyer Can Help

If you or a loved one sustained serious injuries from a defective product in Ventura, such as broken bones, burn injuries, a traumatic brain injury or a spinal injury, it will benefit you to hire a product liability lawyer to represent you during the legal process. Otherwise, an insurance provider may attempt to take advantage of you and offer less compensation than you need for current and future estimated medical costs.

An attorney will conduct a thorough investigation of your accident and injury to determine the cause and gather evidence. Once the responsible party/ies have been identified, your lawyer can file a product liability claim on your behalf. A law firm will have connections to highly qualified experts to help support your case. A lawyer can take over negotiations with an insurance company or take your case to trial, if necessary, to pursue a just settlement for your product liability case.

Ventura product liability lawyer

Damages Available for Product Liability Victims

In California, an injured victim may be entitled to various types of damages, or financial compensation, in a product liability case. The damages available will depend on the specific case and circumstances, such as the extent of the victim’s injuries and losses.

Common types of damages available include:

  • Medical expenses: reasonably necessary health care costs related to treating injuries caused by the defective product, such as surgeries, therapies and medications.
  • Lost wages: compensation for income lost if the victim is unable to work due to short-term or long-term injuries, including lost future capacity to earn.
  • Property damage: the costs of repairing or replacing property that was damaged or destroyed by the defective product.
  • Pain and suffering: physical pain, emotional distress or psychological trauma caused by the defective product.
  • Wrongful death damages: compensation available to a family if an individual dies as a result of a dangerous or defective product, such as funeral and burial costs.

In rare cases, punitive damages may also be available. This is an additional award that serves to punish a defendant for gross negligence. California law states that punitive damages may be available if it is proven with clear and convincing evidence that the defendant is guilty of fraud, malice or oppression.

Time Limits to File a Ventura Product Liability Case

In California, a law called the statute of limitations imposes a time limit of two years from the date of most accidents to file related personal injury claims. The same statute of limitations applies to the majority of product liability cases in Ventura. This means you have no more than two years from the date you are injured by a defective product to file a related injury claim with the Ventura County civil courts.

However, there are some exceptions, such as the discovery rule. Under this rule, if a victim does not have knowledge of his or her injuries right away, the statute of limitations may be tolled (extended) until the date of reasonable discovery. The clock for a product liability claim may also be tolled in a case involving an injured minor until two years from the minor’s 18th birthday.

It is important to contact a product liability lawyer right away if you believe you have grounds for a claim. Waiting too long could put you at risk of missing your statute of limitations, in which case the defendant will most likely file a motion to dismiss. In addition, failing to file a timely claim could result in evidence getting destroyed or going missing over time. For the strongest case, contact a Ventura product liability attorney as soon as possible.

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Ventura Product Liability Attorney

A product liability claim can be challenging and confusing. If you or a loved one has suffered an injury or illness caused by a defective product, contact a product liability lawyer in Ventura at Rose, Klein & Marias, LLP without delay. We will diligently protect your rights as we work to hold a manufacturing company liable for your losses. Contact our attorneys today at (805) 307-7655 to schedule a free case consultation.