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Will radar devices reduce wrong-way drivers?

Posted on December 10, 2015 in Car Accidents

Few incidents are as likely to cause a catastrophic or fatal car accident as a wrong-way driver, especially on freeways. Fortunately, Caltrans announced this week that it has a plan to decrease these incidents.

The program involves installing radar devices at freeway entrances in Sacramento that will tell drivers they are going the wrong direction. The devices will also notify the California Highway Patrol (CHP) so officers can respond immediately. In addition to the radar devices, Caltrans plans to put up new signs and pavement markers on the freeway on-ramps.

How common is this problem on local highways? The CHP reports that so far in 2015 there have been 132 wrong-way drivers reported on the Golden Gate Division of Interstate 101 alone. Depending on the results of this new program, Caltrans may decide to apply it to other freeways in California.

Head-on collisions caused by drivers going the wrong way, especially at high speeds, have the potential to be fatal for drivers and passengers in all vehicles involved. When the front end of a vehicle is crushed in an accident, the driver and front seat passenger may suffer broken or crushed legs and arms. Spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain injuries may occur due to the force of the collision. Air bag injuries and serious facial lacerations and scarring are also possible.

People who suffer these types of injuries will need considerable compensation to cover the cost of their medical bills and lost income. Some injury victims will need a lifetime of medical treatment. When accidents cause fatalities, the surviving family members will need compensation for their losses.

While car accident cases may appear straightforward, there are often complexities that require an attorney’s counsel. Injury victims and their families may also find that they need a lawyer to fight the negligent party’s insurance company for the compensation they need.

You can rely on our experienced attorneys for dedicated, skilled representation. Please visit our website to learn how we may be of assistance to you.