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When workers’ compensation isn’t enough to cover your bills

Posted on June 26, 2015 in Workers' Compensation

When Californians are injured on the jobsite, they typically seek recovery through the state’s workers’ compensation program. For the most part, this type of situation involves an injured employee and an employer. However, there are some situations in which the employer or a third party can be sued. However, this type of lawsuit involves a lot of complexities that an experienced lawyer can typically assist you with.

Workers’ compensation benefits are given to injured workers regardless of fault. But if someone – a third party – was clearly negligent in causing your injuries, then a lawsuit can help you recover a financial award that goes above and beyond what you would receive from workers’ compensation. This is common in construction accidents, where there are oftentimes various contractors and subcontractors working on one project. This opens the door to situations where your employer would not necessarily be at fault for your injuries.

There are also gray areas, such as when an accident occurs during one’s work hours, but not necessarily at a jobsite. A co-worker, vendor or customer may have acted in a careless manner and caused you to needlessly suffer an injury. An experienced lawyer can help in these types of situations.

Workers’ compensation benefits are helpful in a variety of situations, but they don’t always cover all the damages caused a workplace accident. We are excellent negotiators who can help you file a lawsuit and work with the other party to arrive at a fair agreement. If necessary, though, we will fight for your rights in court. If you were injured at work and are now struggling to pay bills, consider scheduling a free consultation with us today.