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How to File a Car Accident Claim With Liberty Mutual

Posted on May 25, 2020 in Car Accidents

Whether this is your first car accident or not, tips for how to file an insurance claim with Liberty Mutual Insurance can be helpful. Dealing with the insurance claims process while protecting your rights can be difficult against the aggressive legal teams at Liberty Mutual – one of the biggest insurance providers in the US. If you have a car accident case involving Liberty Mutual, learn how to file a claim and maximize your financial recovery.

Liberty Mutual Auto Claims

Go to the Hospital

Going to the hospital is important for you as a car accident victim for a few different reasons. First, it will lead to prompt injury diagnosis and the treatments you need to optimize healing and recovery after a car crash. Waiting could exacerbate your injuries. Second, it could show an insurance company that your injuries were serious enough to warrant immediate medical attention. Third, it demonstrates to the insurer that did your part to recover from your injuries. An insurer will look to see if you were negligent in any way that might have contributed to the bodily injury you are claiming, such as failing to go to the hospital right away or ignoring a doctor’s treatment plan. Obtaining immediate medical care after a car accident could protect you physically and financially.

Gather Information About Your Accident

California is a fault state, meaning its insurance laws hold the at-fault party for a car accident liable for damages. Most drivers use their auto insurance policies to cover this liability. If an at-fault driver has Liberty Mutual Insurance coverage, you will need to call the company to file a claim as soon as possible. Before you make the call, gather some facts about your case.

  • The name of the other driver
  • The driver’s insurance policy number
  • A description of all vehicles involved
  • License plate numbers
  • Whether the crash caused any injuries
  • Some details of the accident

The insurance agent that takes your claim might ask you these questions as well as others. Only provide answers to the questions asked. Do not offer the insurance claims adjuster extraneous information or long, narrative answers. Never admit fault during conversations with an insurance agent from Liberty Mutual. The agent could use this as a reason to deny your claim.

File Your Claim

Once you have the relevant information, call your own insurance provider to report the crash. Make the call as soon as possible after the car accident. Even if you were not at fault, your insurer will want to know you were in an accident. Then, either call the at-fault driver’s insurance company directly or wait for its insurance adjuster to call you. This may take a day or two. If you wish to call Liberty Mutual Insurance directly, dial 1-844-525-2467. You can also submit a claim online. Give the agent the name of the driver to access his or her policy information. Deal with the claims process as quickly as you can to make sure you meet any deadlines the company might impose.

Protect Your Rights as a Claimant

Once an insurance adjuster from Liberty Mutual contacts you, be careful what you say. The agent from Liberty Mutual will want to save the insurance company money rather than maximize your financial recovery after a car accident. The agent may be waiting for you to make a mistake or say the wrong thing to hurt your chances of obtaining compensation. You might need an auto accident lawyer in Los Angeles to handle correspondence with Liberty Mutual on your behalf.

Protect yourself by documenting everything. Keep track of all discussions you have with the insurance agent by recording them or writing down the details immediately after you hang up. Avoid coming to any agreements without first contacting a Los Angeles personal injury attorney. Do not agree to give the adjuster a recorded statement and do not sign anything unless required by law enforcement. Before you say yes to the first settlement offer, contact a lawyer to find out if it is in your best interests. A car accident lawyer can assist you with every step of your claim.